Vol. 4 (Dec 2024)
Foreword - Charlotte Walker, President, AICCM Victorian Branch
Hand eye ear coordination - Annie Llewellyn & Gabriel Nodea
Acknowledging and owning conservators’ creative labour: Why should the profession care? - Aslı Günel
Quilt quandary: Considering the conservation impacts of upcycling antique quilts in contemporary fashion - Alison Moule
You can’t mark there! Identifying and conserving historic graffiti at the St Neots Museum - Siân Blake
Conserving the past, conserving the present: Conservation of lontar (palm-leaf) manuscripts in Bali, Indonesia - Yori Akbar Setiyawan
Performing culture better: The conservation student’s cookbook - Jonathan van Toor
A medieval medical manuscript from the 15th century: Codicological research and diagnostic campaign on a Western Gothic binding - Rebecca Taldo & Dr Anna Piccirillo
The collapse of objective conservation: Societal influence on the treatment of paintings - Alexis Drapanas
Investigating accessible textile fibre identification: A flowchart - Taryn Ryan
Yellow Hue Memory of Grimwade Centre - Supansa Thongsuk
Total obliteration: A report on the destruction of heritage monuments, sites, and artifacts in Gaza - Debbi Min
Editors: Joshua Loke, Lauren Wolfram, Misty Wade, Holly Brown & Jess Chandy
Vol. 3 (Nov 2023)
Foreword - Bella Lipson & Belle Williams, AICCM Emerging Conservators Special Interest Group Co-Convenors
Welcome to the Lucky Country: Navigating the complex cultural histories of immigrant, diasporic, and refugee communities - Vicki Car
Single objects, many stories: Sharing history as conservation - Rachel Davis
All that glitters is a nightmare: Conserving pride at the Missouri History Museum - Sejal Goel
Herbarium of Australian flora: Cyanotypes inspired by the history of photographic and botanic science - Emma Dacey
Old problems, new solutions: Conservation in rural Australia - Fergus Patterson
Long live the dragons of Big Gold Mountain: Negotiating reflexive care of Chinese living heritage in Bendigo - Emma Ward
80 people, 7 sites, 3 days: Reflecting on APTCCARN 6 with the minds behind the ambitious program - Madeline Davies
On exhibitionary silences: Museums and conserving sexual heritage - Isabella Wessel
What does an ecofeminist mount look like? Implications of ecofeminism in contemporary collection management - Kirralee Robinson
Golden fields and azure skies: Dedications to a faraway homeland - Melanie Melnychuk
Treating artworks by living artists: The precariousness of co-creating legacies - Anthi Soulioti
Five methods for matting works on paper: A brief introduction - Yuhong Zhang
Secrets of the mountains: Reflections on family heritage, personal identity, project management and mummies - Fen Reyes
Editors: Joshua Loke, Emily May, Jonathan van Toor, Lauren Wolfram, Misty Wade & Holly Brown
Vol. 2 (Nov 2022)
Foreword - Alice Cannon, AICCM President
Conversing with artefacts: Observations from a manuscript healing place in Istanbul - Aslı Günel
Conserving queer heritage - L J Lupgens
Demystifying textile conservation: Accessible and effective methods for conservators - Gabriela Lúcio de Sousa
Conserving Rothko’s murals and aesthetic experience - Rowan Frame
Conservation in fiction: A Month in the Country by J L Carr - Elizabeth Gralton
Exploring the use and potential of Nanorestore Gels® in the conservation cleaning of plastic objects - Jessica Argall
A feminist reframing: The reconstruction of knowledge in conservation - Eleanor S Thomas & Sarah P G Dodson
Experiential learning: The treatment of Baskerville’s Virgil - Leandra Flores
Down the maternal line: Intergenerational pottery practices in Barichara, Colombia - Maité Robayo
Editors: Emma Dacey, Rachel Davis, Joshua Loke, Emily May & Jonathan van Toor
Vol. 1 (Dec 2021)
Foreword - Professor Robyn Sloggett
The fun of condition reporting in public - Frances Lojkine
Conserving oppression: Historical revisionism and the preservation of cultural materials in a post-Marcos Philippines - Gabriel Garde
Shifting perspectives in conservation: Interview with time-based art conservator Asti Sherring - Emma Ward
Manufacturing a karibari board: A project report - Sandra Song
A masters online - Michael Iles
Lessons from Haeinsa: What a Korean Buddhist temple can teach us about preventive conservation - Elizabeth Gralton
Digitisation as conservation: A discussion of The Hellenic Museum Digitisation Project - Thomas Keep
The Care and ID of Photographs workshop: A review - Sophie Antulov
The changing approach to relining canvas paintings: A review of the methods and materials applied to painting relining in Europe from the 17th to 20th century - Jordan Aarsen
Effluence and affluence - Michael Davies
Editors: Emma Dacey, Rachel Davis & Joshua Loke

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