[ scroll ] Participate

Learn how you can contribute to Scroll - as a contributor or as part of the editorial team.



become an editor

We are always on the lookout to expand the Scroll Editorial Team! All current students of the Grimwade Centre are encouraged to apply. If you have skills in graphic design, administration, or editing, we want to hear from you!

Tell us a bit about yourself, your abilities and why you are interested in contributing via e-mail with the subject line ‘Editorial Team EOI’ to:

submit to Scroll

We welcome all students and graduates with interests in heritage and cultural materials conservation to submit to Scroll. Submissions are open to contributors from all institutions and backgrounds.

We are looking for content to fit within the below categories:

[ essays ]

This could be an opinion piece, critique, research, or random musings. Maybe something could be pulled together by re-working an assignment, or fleshing out an idea that was outside the scope of an assignment.

[ creative ]

Creative writing, illustrations and images, satire... all forms considered.

[ reviews ]

Books, articles, journals, workshops, exhibitions, webinars, conferences – anything that’s caught your attention as inspiring or important, or in need of critique.

[ interviews ]

Conducted for the purpose of publication, for instance asking questions of a conservator or artist in order to understand and record their processes and techniques.

[ reports ]

Formalise the ideas and results of a personal project or treatment with a report. Or create a report or summary of a conference or webinar.

We do not require submissions to meet a minimum word count. However, we do ask that submissions are kept below 5000 words.

All writing should be referenced per the AICCM Bulletin reference guide, which can be downloaded [ HERE ].

The Scroll editorial team provides editorial support for all aspects of readying a piece of work for publication, including feedback on writing, syntax, argument, referencing, and language choice. The editorial process is highly collaborative and your submission may see numerous revisions as we work together towards the best possible outcome. Works are copy-edited and type-set for publication by the Scroll team, with consultation and final approval from contributors.

Please direct all queries, proposals or submissions to:


I had never written an article for a publication before and reached out to the Scroll with an idea. They were very encouraging and enthusiastic. Over the coming months, we worked together to turn that idea into an article that I am proud of.
— Aslı Günel (contributor, Scroll Vol. 2)
While the prospect can seem daunting, it is worth making time for the opportunity. The team are open, supportive, and collaborative and have a genuine interest in your work.
— Ellie Thomas (contributor, Scroll Vol. 2)