Privacy Policy
Unlike our acronym suggests, at SC@M we always treat our users’ personal data with the utmost respect. Any information you share with us will be kept safe and will only be used to by SC@M – we will never sell or otherwise trade your personal data with any other organisations. Read on if you’d like to know more about the ways we use your data…
Event Bookings
From 25 May 2018, email addresses provided through Eventbrite or Trybooking will only be used to contact you about events. This includes automated emails from Eventbrite or Trybooking, for example confirming your ticket booking. Read about Eventbrite’s and Trybooking’s privacy policy.
When you buy paid event tickets, you will need to provide payment details in one of the following forms:
– Card payment, processed by Eventbrite and Trybooking
– PayPal payment, processed by PayPal
Your payment details are processed and stored securely by the payment providers named above. SC@M does not process or store your card or bank account details. Read about PayPal’s, Eventbrite’s and Trybooking’s privacy policies.
Email Newsletter
You may also choose to sign up to our email newsletter, which includes conservation news and SC@M events. We use Mailchimp to manage these emails, and you can unsubscribe from them at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of the email. Read about Mailchimp’s privacy policy.
Our CMS (content management system) is provided by Squarespace. Read Squarespace’s privacy policy. We also use the following services to help present the content on SC@M:
– Facebook
– Instagram
– Twitter
– YouTube
Our website uses https, which means that anything sent between your device and our servers will be encrypted. Our SSL certificate tells you that pages you visit on our website are provided by us. Our website is hosted on secure servers by Squarespace.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, or the ways in which we use your data, please contact us on or through the website.
Student Conservators at Melbourne (SC@M)
Grimwade Centre, University of Melbourne